Monday, May 24, 2021

BBWWT Day #11 Durango, CO

Up early - love our campground - nice view of Knife Edge in Mesa Verde National Park!
Took Bolts for a nice walk around the grounds

Then we loaded up our bikes and went to Mancos

There is a state park in Mancos that we wanted to check out:  biking & hiking trails :)

Some of the bike trails were a little much for me.  Good for Chris, but not with Bolts in his buddy rider :)
So, hiking it was.  The lake is down down down.  In a normal year, we would be underwater in this photo - the lake is so low

Then we headed back east to visit Durango
Very cool city - lots of old buildings - love it!

Took a nice walk through town, then had lunch.  Then it was time to wash the Jeep   - what a mess from the Santa Fe rain storm!
Durango has a nice river walk - so we rode it - about 18 miles in total

 We were definitely Good & tired after the last couple of days!

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