Thursday, May 27, 2021

BBWWT Day #14, Moab #3

Arches National Park!  Arrive early & stay late :)
So beautiful - love this park!
We parked and headed up the trail to the 'Delicate Arch'

Some of the trail is pretty narrow

Delicate Arch!

View of delicate arch via a different arch - not sure it had a name.  There are so many arches in the park

The sandstone is very susceptible to erosion
There are also lots of cool trees scattered around the area
Little ground squirrels abound too :)
as well as petroglyph's (sp)
an old homestead still exists in the park

We went back to the campground after a nice cruise around Arches.  We checked on the pups and brought them with us for our afternoon cruise.  Bolts was happy :)
We cruised Canyonlands National Park.  OMG - first time visitng, it is Amazing!!

We decided to turn off the main route -and ended up on a dirt trail.  That took us down down down the canyons!  Narrow road - sandstone on one side and deep cliffs on the other

Lots of switchbacks to get to the bottom of this canyon

Not fun passing another vehicle - fortunately it didn't happen very often

It was a 42 mile ride back to Moab.  The drive down the canyon was the best part of the drive.  The rest was over very rough road.  Fortunately there was still plenty of amazing views

We saw so many rocks - that are balancing on seemingly nothing
It was nice to get back to paved road :)
Getting close to sunset in Canyonlands.  We made it home, tired and ready to chill!
We found out a few days later, that a tour company had taken the same trail as we did (which is common).  When they stopped to  admire the view, one of the guests got to close to the edge and it unfortunately gave way.  Sadly the guest did not survive the fall.   It's pretty precarious out here.

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