Wednesday, May 26, 2021

BBWWT Day #13 Moab Day #2

Lovely sunrise    Chris & I went on an early morning bike ride - nice trails right out of our campsite.  Just make sure you keep the gate closed :)

Then we were off exploring with Troy & Donna
1st hike - Porcupine Trail (it's mostly for mountain bikers, but it was the only parking lot in the area that had room for us :))

It was a pretty good hike - enough ups & downs to keep it challenging.  And there were some mountain bikers, but not too many so it was easy to stay out of their way
Parts of the trail overlook the Colorado River

A few flowers along the trail :)

Kool photo of Chris as he's walking through the tunnel under the road (led us back to the parking lot)
Then it was a nice drive to town for lunch!
Lots of hiring signs - $18 an hour at McD's!
Moab Brewery - great lunch!
Then a nice stroll downtown

Rain came later in the afternoon, so we stayed in and played games :)


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