Friday, May 21, 2021

BBWWT Day # 9 Amarillo to Santa Fe

Leaving our RV park, driving by the Quarter horse museum, which would be interesting - another time!
We stopped by Cadillac Ranch!  10 cadillacs buried in 1974  (1949-1963)

People spray paint the cars daily, so the paint is pretty thick!

Bolts adding his 'paint'.  It was starting to rain, so it would be washed away

Unfortunately, those who paint also litter.  Not sure why they have to leave all the paint cans and lids in the field...

Then we were off again

more ranch 'signs'
New Mexico!

There was a truck stop along the highway that also had a car museum and diner.  Great choice for food and amusement :)

Driving through New Mexico - seems to be one of the poorest states that I've driven through, but beautiful in it's own way

We hit a big rainstorm outside Santa Fe
the land of the flat topped homes - very fitting & beautiful for this area
a lot of trading posts, casino's also lined our route
then we made it to our host for the night:  Black Mesa Winery - loved it!

fun trinkets inside
along with a cat hanging on the counter
we did a wine tasting
then a tour
their Coyote wine was delish!

after we consumed enough wine, we took a walk along their trails

hieroglyphs (spelling) too!

 Great evening!

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