Saturday, May 1, 2021

Racing triathlon again

Florida 70.3 in Haines City.  It was postponed from December 2020. Last time we raced it was 2014.  Definitely feeling my age these days :)   The drive to Haines City was cool - some quaint towns like Dade City were fun to drive through.

Lots of social distancing and mask wearing at the Ironman registration and village
view of the swim course

ironman village - quiet

Dropping off our bikes the previous day

Race day was windy, sunny, hot and humid.  I love it, but not when I'm racing.  I just can't take the heat anymore, especially by the time I start running.  The swim was lovely - 78 degrees and a fresh lake.  Everyone was spread out.  Chris and I started together and ended pretty close together too.  So we decided to tackle the bike and run.   I was never fast enough to 'race' a triathlon, but I used to try at least.  Those days are behind me - arthritis has asked me to just relax and take it easy, just like another workout day.  So, I walked through the transitions (which were crazy long due to spacing everyone out).  Chris and I had a nice bike - lots of rolling hills through the FL countryside.  (I don't remember much about the 2014 race).  But it was windy, so the constant headwind becomes unfriendly after a while.  I still enjoyed the bike though.  But the run - ugh.  Unfortunately, I just can't run well in the heat.  Even though I drink plenty on the bike, I''m still too dehydrated for the run.  I was hoping for cloud cover (and it did come out for miles 7-9), but most of the run was sunny and light wind (where did the gusts go???)   So Chris was kind enough to stay with me while I tried to run 1 minute and walk for 30 seconds.  It was slow going (especially because any incline, I had to walk it all).  My heart rate just goes too high.  It's probably for the best because the more I run, the more my hips complain.  Walking is my future racing.  I need to start practicing that more.   But it does make for a painfully slow race.  Anyway, we did finish, which is my only goal these days, so I am very happy for that!  And spending time with Chris is always Great - how many couples can say they've raced all day together!


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